TopGear, eCommerce overhauled!
Design Team Lead, Partner Strategy, User Research Lead, Creative / Design Direction.
Leveraging Toptal's Network of Talent to Drive Growth and Boost Sales
The People Team (human resources) at Toptal (a global remote company that provides a platform connecting businesses with the top 3% freelance talent) sought to improve the TopGear website to enhance user engagement and drive sales growth.
Increase user engagement, resolve order fulfillment challenges, and expand the user base by leveraging Toptal's talent network
The website suffered from a clunky user experience, difficult navigation, and a complex checkout process. Reliance on a third-party vendor for order fulfillment hindered timely updates and user responsiveness
What Was Done
Worked with the project team to rebuild the website, giving them complete control and ownership. Streamlined the checkout process, improved UX, and leveraged its talent network, expanding the user base from 1,200 to over 10,000, resulting in a sleek and accessible platform for all customers.
Industry: eCommerce • Produced for Toptal • Year Shipped: 2023
Expanded the user base of 1,200 into a thriving community of over 10,000.
92% of users found the new layout more inclusive for global audiences.
The second European warehouse reduced shipping times and costs by 40%.
Giving Toptal full control, allowing for ongoing improvements and adaptability.
With a streamlined checkout process and transparent shipping costs, shopping is now easier, connecting customers globally.
Leading and conducting user interviews provided critical insights into existing challenges. These insights were transformed into actionable strategies, tackling key issues and laying the foundation for expanding the store’s reach within Toptal's talent network.
One significant feature that emerged from the user interviews was the addition of a second European warehouse, which greatly improved international shipping capabilities, reducing costs and faster delivery times. And, the fresh layout led to higher conversion rates and completed sales, highlighting the impact of great design.
Selected Works
Archives 111111Random past projects.
Archives.Random past projects.
22 TopGear, eCommerce overhauled!Case Study
22 Scion xD, Hot Lava microsite.Impact Showcase
Scion xD, Hot Lava microsite.Impact Showcase
22 So They Can Know, partner notification.Impact Showcase
So They Can Know, partner notification.Impact Showcase
22 Constitution Global, modernized!Case Study
Constitution Global, modernized!Case Study
22 Green Halo, waste management.Case Study
Green Halo, waste management.Case Study
Partner NotificationSo They Can Know. 2011.
Mobile Web AppVelocedee. 2017.
Website Redesign 3Constitution Global. 2018.
Website RedesignConstitution Global. 2018.
Design Explorations 3Crede Group. 2021.
Design ExplorationsCrede Group. 2021.
Online PresenceCrede Group. 2021.
2008 Hot Lava Series 2Scion XD. 2008.
2008 Hot Lava SeriesScion XD. 2008.
Waste Tracking 2Green Halo. 2014-2015.
Waste TrackingGreen Halo. 2014-2015.
Constitution Global 2Project type